As most non-profits operate on a shoestring budget, a large, unexpected expense can be financially disastrous for the organization. Having the right insurance coverage to safeguard against the biggest risks is crucial for non-profits. A knowledgeable insurance agent at Quinton Insurance in Rochester, New York can help you get the most complete coverage for your premium dollars.
Insurance Coverage for Non-Profits
Non-profit organizations may need several different types of insurance coverage, which may include general liability, directors and officers, property, auto, product liability, and professional liability.
General Liability (GL) Insurance
GL insurance protects your organization against premises liability claims (slip and fall accidents, etc.) brought by visitors who are injured on organization property.
Directors and Officers Insurance
Directors and officers of your organization could be personally named in lawsuits filed against the non-profit alleging financial mismanagement or fraud. D&O insurance can cover defense costs and damages arising from a lawsuit.
Property Insurance
This coverage protects the organization from property loss in the event of a fire, storm, vandalism, or similar unexpected event.
Auto Insurance
Auto liability insurance is a must if volunteers use any vehicle in non-profit activities. It covers injuries caused to other people and damaged property while a volunteer is operating a vehicle during their volunteer time.
Product Liability Insurance
A non-profit that sells products to the public for fundraising or any other purpose may need this coverage to protect against defective and dangerous product lawsuits.
Professional Liability Insurance
Also called errors and omissions insurance, this coverage protects against mismanagement liability and workplace-related claims, such as discrimination and harassment.
Churches, charities, and social service organizations have complicated risk profiles that require the expertise of an independent agent. Our insurance professionals know how important your work can be and will create a custom insurance package to protect you, your staff, and your efforts.
- Tailored coverage combining property, liability, auto, and umbrella in one policy
- Pastoral professional liability
- Church directors & officers liability
- Abuse & molestation liability
- Convenient monthly payments
For qualifications to this special program, please call us at 585-244-9004.